Student Residency Experience
"Residency exceeded my expectations. With a distance learning program, it can be isolating at times without direct peer contact and professor interactions. The week of residency is a wonderful opportunity to establish important connections as well as practice hands-on skills. I felt welcomed as soon as I stepped foot on the Holy Family University campus. It was organized and managed in a way that maximized our learning and practice time. It is equally as fun as it is rigorous. I feel more confident going to my first clinical site as my professors have worked diligently to ensure my peers and I are adequately prepared. Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I am grateful to be a part of this Distance program".
-Amanda Bates
"I thought the on-campus residency was very helpful. I had enough time to practice the skills, and the schedule was adjusted for the students to take advantage of the time possible to practice. The professors were always there to demonstrate the skills and were going around during practice time to make sure the skills were being shown the right way"
-Mariyam Hamidi
"During the residency, we had the opportunity to meet a variety of our professors and practice our skills. Throughout the week, we were challenged to succeed and become stronger candidates for the NCLEX. It was a long but rewarding week, and I felt more confident in my progression through the program."
-Maureen Brennen
"This residency has been both rewarding and challenging. I grew clinically and as a critical thinker while digging deep to find the confidence and resolve to make it through. Our instructors were supportive and pushed us to find the skills we needed to start clinical placement and have the appropriate foundational nursing skills to bring with us"
-Kristi Pretzer
"Thus far, I have been really impressed with the program as a whole. The online portion has been well-organized and very informative. The professors have been amazing and very helpful. The residency week flew by, and it was awesome to meet all the faculty members and have different input and tips from them. I feel confident leaving residency that I am ready to use the skills in clinicals."
-Hannah Brady